In november I got to go to the land of the rising sun! Here are some photos from the trip
We start in Tokyo
Pretty cool
When we were in tokyo we took a day and went to mt takao. Here’s what it looked like
I also found schlatt’s monkey there
Osaka was the next city we visited. Only got 2 photos of it though :(
Kagoshima was probably the highlight of the trip so there are a bunch of photos for this city. This is also the point where I realised I could take 16:9 photos instead of 4:3
wow thats me. Theres the proof I actually went there
Also found undertale for the psvita. Surprised it came out on that console
Next is fukuoka. Here it is
My best friend
The pictures I have of Nagasaki are mostly museums
we have…
Only the real ones know